Welcome friends and strangers! I wanted to start this blog so that I could have a place to showcase my photographs and fiber creations, as well as write a little somethin' somethin' now and then. If you are brand new to me (hi stranger!) my name is Emily, and I have a degree in photography. I've been around photography all my life, as my father used to be a photographer. I don't have much desire to do commercial work, although I do appreciate it's neccessity, I personally prefer the pure aesthetics of fine art, particularly surrealism. I have a day job just like everyone else and it is centered around photography as well. You could say most of my life is surrounded by photography, and I've been yearning to share my work outside of a gallery setting (although I would love to show in a gallery again soon).
Please take a look around, I will be posting more images soon. And let me know what you think in the comments! And do stop by anytime, ya hear?